
Trust is a quality. Do you Know about trust? Trust Well, I am going to explain about trust. Kindly read full blog to understand it better. What is trust? Trust is one of the best qualities of humans that makes us worthy in the eyes of others. Trust is an emotion that you can give to someone and take from someone. It makes your relationship strong and keep your love pure and healthy. It is a belief that someone is nice, honest and sincere and will not try to harm you. What are the values of trust? Value of trust:  Trust has a great value in everyone's life. It works as a power booster in life. It improves confidence level. It is important because around it, all relationship revolve. Faith, that you have in someone is known as trust and it is very essential to have faith in someone as it builds relationship strong. Trust works as the pillar in a relationship. As without pillar, a building can not be stand similarly without trust, a relationship will not work. It is a key ...

English Word, letter, sentence

Everyone knows about A, B, C, D _ _ _ _Z.
But do you know what are these? 
Alright! Today I'll explain about it. 

Everyone must have heard about word, letter and sentence. But do you know broadly about it?
Okay! I am going to tell you about it.

So let's begin.

What is a letter??

Letter:- Unit of an alphabet is known as a Letter.
For example- A, F, P, S, T, R, Q, Z etc.

In the above image, you can see 'A' and it stands alone so it is a letter of English alphabet.

As ' A' is the 1st letter of English alphabet likewise 'D' is the 4th letter and so there are 26 letters in English alphabet.

In English alphabet, we get 26 letters whereas 21 letters are known as CONSONANT and 5 letters are Known as VOWEL.

Vowel- In English alphabet, we get five vowels.
Eg- A, E, I, O, U
Consonant- In English alphabet, we get 21 consonants.
Eg- B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.

While talking about alphabet, how can we forget to define alphabet? We must know about alphabet. Let's read about alphabet!

Alphabet- A set of letters is known as alphabet. In every language, we get alphabets.

As in English, There are 26 letters of alphabet where 5 are vowel and 21 are consonants.
Similarly, in Hindi, there are 11 vowels         ( स्वर) and 33 consonants (व्यंजन).

In every language, we get set of various letters which makes alphabet of the particular language.

English parts of speech chart, 9 parts of speech

Do you Know 'What is a sentence?' Read more to get your answer.

Now, let's begin the next step.

After letter, we move on the next step that is 'WORD'.

What is a word? Can you define it? Well, Read this!

WORD- A group of letter is known as word. In other words, we can say that by joining letters systematically we get a meaningful word.

Eg- Flower, Sun, Artist etc.


In the above picture, you can see 'CREATE' which is mention in the image.

When we divide each letter so we get C, R, E, A, T, E total 6 letters.
As I mentioned in the above lines, by joining letters systematically we frame a meaningful word. So, these six letters ( given in the image) C, R, E, A, T, E comes together and makes a meaningful word.

'Create' which means to make or build something new or that is exist.

Finally, we come here. Let's pay attention!

" Online study is a better way to enhance knowledge."

What is this?

Everywhere we see some lines  but do you know what is that lines known as?? Read this 

Whenever we see a line, we say yes that is a complete 'line'. But in English language, it is known as a Sentence.

Definition of a sentence- A group of words which is giving complete meaning or sense, is known as Sentence. It generally ends with full stop (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!)

For example- Life is a mistry.

Before some lines, we get this  "Online study is a better way to enhance knowledge."

In both sentences, "Life is a mistry" and "Online study is a better way to enhance knowledge."
We see there are group of words and it is giving complete meaning or sense so the both examples are known as sentence.


In the above image, here is a sentence given. When we separate each word we can see 
Total 9 words:-

So, these nine words are coming together and giving a complete meaning that's why it is called a sentence.

Now tell me what is this " God creations of the are best you one of."

Is it a group of words? Is it giving complete sense?

Yeah, you are right. In the above example, it is a group of words but it is not giving complete sense. 
Therefore it's not fulfilling both condition so it's not a sentence. 

If it is not a sentence, then what is it?

In the above example, " God creations of the are best you one of", it shows a group of words but it is not giving complete.

Just pay attention!

If you see a group of words but it is not giving a complete sense then it is known as phrase.

For example-1. language is international an English. (It's group of words but it's not giving complete sense so it is known as Phrase.)

2. English is an international language.( It is a group of words and giving complete sense so it is known as Sentence.)

I hope letter, alphabet, word and sentence are clear now.

#Keep studying


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